With Who it Happened....

With Who it Happened....

Where it happened....

How It Was Able To Happen....

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Glen and I in the MTC when i came home from my mission. I saw him for 15 minutes for 4 years. wow. What a great experience for both of us. Forgive the yellow shirt with the $0.12 tie. haha.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HOLA ELDER BENNION COMO ESTAS? SOY JUANITO, COMO HAS ESTADO TENGO MUCHO QUE CONTARTE MI EMAIL ES juanleo15@hotmail.com, Soy del Barrio Villa Hermosa, tu te tomastes una foto conmigo con la hermanita Brenda hace 2 aƱos aprox. te deseo lo mejor Cuidate Amigo saber si eres tu te encontre por internet llamame (502) 43457122